Categories for Web Design

Here’s Where We Draw the Line

2.13.15 by ,

Most younger designers today don’t know how to draw. Personally, I find this hard to believe, but unfortunately it seems to be true. So at the beginning of each new project, they find themselves staring at a blank page on their computer screens, hoping for some kind of design intervention [ . . . ]Read More

Sans vs Serif

1.8.15 by , ,

As we all know, it’s common knowledge that Serif fonts are more legible than Sans Serif fonts. But before we go any further, what is the difference between the two and who cares? Well, most people don’t care, and I call those people the general public. But for those of [ . . . ]Read More

Pass the Gestalt

12.2.14 by , ,

Any learned graphic designer has certainly come across Gestalt Theory. Whether they understood it completely or not. But I discovered, after twenty years of teaching graphic design, that the students that did understand it created better work than those that didn’t. In my own work, I have found Gestalt Theory [ . . . ]Read More